Exploring Perito Mereno Glacier near El Calafate, Argentina!

A super nice lady was waiting at the small airport in El Calafate, Argentina for me when I landed to transport me to one of the cutest hotels! Did you know that some hotels still use old fashion keys?? I didn’t know there was a world that existed that didn’t have magnetic key cards at hotels! The lobby was welcoming with a big map and pins to mark where you were from and little tables with scrabble and puzzles. There was tea available at all hours which I learned to love during my time in South America and everyone was so kind.

The next morning I loaded onto a bus to my next adventure, exploring Perito Moreno Glacier. I walked around the boardwalks and took way too many photos. I listened to a tour guide talk about the growth and recession of the glacier. I watched calving events and couldn’t quite get my camera ready in time for any of them even though I saw a few. By the time you hear the ice crashing into the water from the glacier, the event is close to over. It was absolutely beautiful there! 

I did have one little misstep. I was so excited exiting the bus that I went charging down the stairs and slipped and fell on my back. I felt so clumsy and it left a welt across my back for a few days. Word of advice, it only takes one misstep to put a damper on a trip. Mine was pretty minor, but it is something I keep in the back of my mind when I get super excited because I am a bit of a clumsy person.

Back to the hotel to pick up my stuff and on another bus to my next stop. It was three hour from Calafate to Chalten. The bus was virtually empty with only a handful of people that were exchange students that spoke fluent english and spanish. I am so envious of people that are multilingual. This might sound silly because I could just learn a foreign language, but I just haven’t really had the time. I guess if it were a real priority I would make time. The three hour bus ride was pretty enjoyable and had some amazing views. I was informed it used to be six hours through rough terrain before they decided to pave the road. When we saw the first glimpses of the famous mountains of Chalten, someone asked if the bus could pull over so we could take photos and our bus driver kindly obliged. I am so glad we did!

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One Response

  1. Jaci! That was a great read! I love how raw you are about your feelings and experiences (or lack thereof). I hope your seasickness doesn’t ail you too much on your sailing around-the-world race! I love you, I’m proud of you, and can’t wait to read more!

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